Thursday, September 24, 2009

News: EP Resolution on US SWIFT Access

From EDRI: I previously reported the concerns about the US access to European banking data. Now the European Parliament have passed a resolution insisting on the need for a new agreement:

The EP believes that the transfer requests should be "based on specific, targeted cases, limited in time and subject to judicial authorisation, and that any subsequent processing is limited to data which disclose a link with persons or organisations under examination in the US" and that "EU citizens and enterprises are granted the same defence rights and procedural guarantees and the same right of access to justice as exist in the EU and that the legality and proportionality of the transfer requests are open to judicial review in the US". In order to prevent any abuse, the transferred data should be "subject to the same judicial redress mechanisms as would apply to data held within the EU, including compensation in the event of unlawful processing of personal data." The resolution also asks for a reciprocity mechanism that would oblige the US authorities to equally transfer relevant financial data to the competent EU authorities, upon request.

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